MVSamples.uncertainties (function)

def uncertainties(self, sigma=1, tex=False, dimension=None, samples=None)

Expose (asymmetric) uncertainties for the distribution(s) at a given value of sigma.

This first determines the appropriate quantiles to pass to MVSamples.ppf using scipy.state.norm.cdf([-sigma, 0, sigma]) and then formats those into a Latex friendly representation if tex is True.


  • sigma (int, optional, default=1): number of standard deviations to expose.
  • tex (bool, optional, default=False): return as a formatted latex string.
  • dimension (int or string, optional, default=None): the label or index of the dimension to use.
  • samples (array-type, optional, default=None): passed to MVSamples.ppf for cases where samples are used to determine the ppf (ignored for MVGaussian, MVSamples)
