MVGaussian.init (function)

def __init__(self, mean=0.0, cov=1.0, allow_singular=False, units=None, labels=None, labels_latex=None, wrap_ats=None, uniqueid=None)

A Multivariate Gaussian distribution uses scipy.stats.multivariate_normal to sample values from a multivariate gaussian/normal function.

This can also be created from a function at the top-level as:


  • mean (float or int, default=0.0): the central value of the multivariate gaussian distribution.
  • cov (float or int, default=1.0): the covariance matrix of the multivariate gaussian distribution.
  • allow_singular (bool, optional, default=False): passed directly to scipy (see link above).
  • units (list of astropy.units objects, optional): the units of the provided values.
  • labels (list of strings, optional): labels for each dimension in the distribution. This is used for the x-labels while plotting the distribution when labels_latex is not provided, as well as a shorthand notation when creating a Composite distribution.
  • labels_latex (list of strings, optional): latex labels for each dimension in the distribution. This is used for plotting the distribution.
  • wrap_ats (list of floats, None, or False, optional, default=None): values to use for wrapping. If None and unit are angles, will default to 2*pi (or 360 degrees). If None and unit are cycles, will default to 1.0.
